Author: matt wahl (1 articles found) - Clear Search

March 2024 meeting -- Lender Panel


 Another great meeting last night.  We had a fairly packed house to see Anil moderate a panel consisting of private-ish/hard-ish lenders Mike Yalowitz and Karen Fischer, whom I've used numerous times to fund my deals,
Bill Rookstool, everyone's favorite lender and market forecaster, and Bill Shipp, who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time yesterday and is yet another wealth of knowledge.

I've already received feedback from a number of members who were very pleased with the information they picked up during the presentation (shout out Jack Kelly and Jim Welsh).  For me personally, I missed most of the presentation as I kept getting caught up in conversations in the vestibule and bar area.  On the bright side, it was networking at its best, so I can't complain too much.  I got to meet some new members, including Jonathan Potter, a long time investor who I believe just came back to DIG, Tom Ammas, and I finally got to put a name to face in George Voutsinos, among many others.  I also heard a VERY endearing story about Don Rotanz helping out fellow member Diana Wong get 7 units under contract.  Congrats, Diana and a big shout out to Don! 
To my mild dismay, I watched no basketball, but I'll take the networking over