DIG Main Meeting April 18th Review


Hi Everyone,

We had another great meeting last night with a great presenter, Tom Dunkel.  As usual, lots of networking occurred.  I learned a bit about the benefits of condo short term rentals, especially when first starting in the STR world from two different people in separate conversations.  Both of these investors are more experienced and successful than me, so there's got to be something to that.   Thank you, Tom and Marlon.

We learned a little bit about the new book club book, "The Go-Giver."  Contrary to Todd's busting of my stones, I actually do read a good bit, although not fast.  Yes, this book is short and easy to read, but it's also entertaining and teaches very good lessons.

Moving on to Tom Dunkel, last night's speaker about Self Storage.  When any speaker presents, even if you are not interested in the topic for your own specific investing, there are usually golden nuggets to be had.  Now, I was and am interested in self storage, but nevertheless, I pulled a few nuggets that can be applied to any type of investing.

1. Develop a team!  You can go fast by yourself, but you'll go farther with a team.   And more importantly, you will do less work IN your business and more ON your business, which requires less of your time.  This has been a stumbling block for me, personally, but I am working on hiring and developing a team as we speak.

2. An "A" employee/contractor is free.  What?!  Yes.  An awesome worker will make you more money than they cost.

3. Direct market expansion
-reach out to your competition to create a relationship (refer customers) 
-will become sellers someday
**John and JIm, let's start working on this today!

4. Boat and RV storage!  A severely underserved market with even less start up cost than self storage units.

Thanks everyone, for coming out last night.  Big thanks to Tom Dunkel for presenting.  I look forward to listening to my friend, Samantha Miller, present next month about investing in land. 

See you next time,
Matt Wahl
DIG President

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